John 10:10 – I have come that you may have LIFE and have it to the full! – Jesus
You’re invited to come on an adventure that will awaken the dreamer within you and equip you to transform the world around you with His abundant life.
Together with like-minded people you will be immersed into a thriving church community, receive transformative teaching from experienced pastors and leaders and have the opportunity to participate in a number of unique practical experiences and trainings.
Our desire is that through Life Leadership Academy you will:
- Gain greater clarity on your identity and destiny/calling
- Grow in your love for Jesus and the poor, oppressed, marginalised & outsider
- Be equipped for leadership in both the local church and marketplace ministry
- Carry a dream from God to see a people group and city restored to LIFE!
The Life Leadership Academy is designed for emerging leaders who have the capacity and passion to grow in their love for Jesus & others, are prepared to embrace discomfort and vulnerability, and have a longing to experience the abundant life Jesus offers and release it to others.